About Our Golden Mile Program

Our golden mile program

The "Golden Mile" refers to a commercial area along Md. Route 40 in Frederick, MD that once was a thriving commercial and retail area that is now comprised of fast food restaurants, strip malls, acres of asphalt, and occasional empty storefronts. Rebounding of late, Frederick County Public School system (FCPS) has noted this about the surrounding area: "Rapid population growth has resulted in a scarcity of services for children, youth and families, particularly those facing multiple risks and adversities.

Scarce services include lack of access to youth development activities for children during the often unsupervised and unstructured hours after school, quality family engagement programs targeted to diverse populations, and access to health care." According to FCPS, 22% of children living in this area are in poverty. Moreover, while the system-wide percentage of students receiving free and reduced-price meals is 28%, in this area it is more than 75%.

FC Frederick established the Golden Mile Soccer Program (Classic) in 2011 and the Golden Mile FC (recreational travel) in 2019. They remain the only youth sports programs dedicated to serving the almost 2600 children from Hillcrest, Waverley, Lincoln and Butterfly Ridge Elementary Schools. CLICK HERE to see a video about GMS, which supports three programs in this community:

1. Golden Mile FC Recreational Travel Program (GMFC). This reduced cost program uses a traditional Recreational team model and includes league play during the fall and spring. Age groups include U7 through U12 (expanding to older age groups as registrations warrant)

Registration required for the Golden Mile FC program: CLICK HERE

2. Golden Mile Classic Program (GMCP). This is a free grade-based program that happens in the Spring season (April & May). The program is "drop-in" style (no set teams) with one practice a week - Monday (K & 1st), Tuesday (2nd & 3rd), Wednesday (4th & 5th) - and games for all on Saturday.

Registration strongly suggested for the Golden Mile Classic program: CLICK HERE

3. Golden Mile Soccer Girls Project (GMSG). With a goal of increasing girls soccer participation from the Golden Mile community, the GMSG coordinates girls participation with both the Golden Mile FC and GM Classic programs.


Providing the children in the Golden Mile area with the same opportunities as other kids is important in a lot of different ways. We know that a team environment has the ability to push kids toward bettering themselves and improves their chances for success, not only in athletics, but in everything they do in life.

Being involved with sports as a child provides a framework based on mutual respect, inclusion, and shared goals, and so many kids miss out on the chance to reinforce these important life experiences. The GMS program has also engaged and educated participating parents and caregivers on the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyles.

The primary funding sources for the Golden Mile Soccer program are grants and donations. To date, GMS has received grant funding from the following sources: adidas, United Soccer Coaches, Maryland State Youth Soccer Association, Target, and The Community Foundation of Frederick County, among others. If you have information about grant funding, please contact Twilla Zirkle (tzirkle@fcfrederick.com). Potential donors are directed to the GMS Donation Page.  

For more information, please contact Golden Mile Program Director Dave Shannon (dshannon@fcfrederick.com)

"The will to succeed is important, but what's even more important is the will to prepare."
Bobby Knight
NCAA Basketball Head Coach